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Song Title:When Freedom Comes to All
Team Name:Phil Shapiro
The backstory:I'm a free software advocate working at the Takoma Park Maryland Library, a public library in the Washington DC-area.  Our library offers Linux computers exclusively for public use. We have been doing that for more than 20 years. My job at this library is to answer computers questions from youth and adults. It's sort of like an Apple genius-bar job - but I answer questions for all computer platforms --and I explain in a soft and gentle voice why free software is my own preferred choice.

I composed this song as a bridge between the folk music movement of the 1950's and 60's -- and the free software movement of the current day.  I believe that songs can articulate our collective aspirations. The Labor Movement and Civil Rights Movement proved that to be true.

Other music I've composed is played on the local NPR radio station -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnqCxjofDk4

My bio --

Recording link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cPTUsDyZ6c
License:Creative Commons Public Domain